Tips for the Jira Admin

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Jira tip 1: How to deactivate emoticons in Jira Because “   ” might not be the message you want your users to leave as a comment on your company’s Jira. Here’s how to remove them: Open [Jira_INSTALL]/WEB-INF/classes/system-renderercomponentfactories-plugin.xmlFind < renderer-component-factory key=”emoticonrenderer” and remove it completely (8 lines)Reboot Jira  Note: This does not work on

Reaching customers with the right Marketing Solutions

Reaching customers with the right Marketing Solutions

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Today, 3 out of 4 online customers use a search engine to find a business. Google can help you connect with new customers when they’re searching for products or services you offer. Follow Us On Facebook @DP360Media. When people search, they mean business People search on Google when they’re ready to

Google My Business

Using Google’s Business Profile’s offers feature

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From discounts to deals, everyone loves a good offer. Whether they’re shopping at a favorite clothing boutique or trying a local coffee shop for the first time, an offer can attract people to businesses. To help people find these promotions, Google is making offers more prominent on Business Profiles. The

SMB Solutions

Get your Business ready for the Holiday Season

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As a result of the pandemic, ninety-three percent of small businesses report being disrupted by COVID-19. While the holiday season is always important to many small businesses, we know that this year may be the most important yet.  For consumers, the holidays are starting early and the way to reach those shoppers is

Cyber Security

Cyber Security for the Post COVID world.

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Companies of all sizes have had to rethink how they conduct business due to the current COVID-19 Pandemic, from businesses making shifts into remote work to how to operate in a virtual setting. But while the pandemic has inspired an unprecedented surge of cyber attacks, including a wave of new security challenges for business,

Uber’s Vote2020 discounts and Free food offers

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As part of their #Vote2020 efforts, Uber is offering 50% discounts for rides to and from polling stations. They have also launched their “Pizza To The Poll’s” initiative to offer free food for those waiting in line. Visit Uber Online for complete details How Uber is supporting #Vote2020– Uber Eats

Microsoft Teams

3 features in Microsoft Teams to better connect classrooms

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For many educators, the shift to remote and hybrid learning has meant increasingly long hours and creative lesson planning to ensure an inclusive learning experience for all students. These stories are the inspiration behind creating new ways to improve learning experiences for educators and students alike. A new set of Microsoft

Internet Safety during Virtual Learning

Internet Safety during Virtual Learning

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As we enter the Fall and Winter seasons, many of our children will be turning to Virtual Learning in the midst of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Along with the normal concerns with technology use and the cyber risks which come with extended periods of being online, the uptick in phishing

Endpoint Secuirty

Essentials for Endpoint Security

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An endpoint security solution that simply detects threats isn’t enough in a fast-paced, 24/7 economy. To be truly effective, today’s security platforms must also be designed for modern business needs. That means accommodating the move toward cloud-based and mobile accessibility, so that threat detection goes hand in hand with immediate

Common Tech mistakes made by Business Owners

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Some of the biggest mistakes small businesses can make are in regards to technology. By either failing to stay with the times or improperly applying new technology, a business can be set back far behind the competition. However, there are consultants that can help you avoid these common tech mistakes