Tips for the Jira Admin

Jira tip 1: How to deactivate emoticons in Jira Because “   ” might not be the message you want your users to leave as a comment on your company’s Jira. Here’s how to remove them: Open [Jira_INSTALL]/WEB-INF/classes/system-renderercomponentfactories-plugin.xml Find < renderer-component-factory key=”emoticonrenderer” and remove it completely (8 lines) Reboot Jira  Note: This does not […]

Get your Business ready for the Holiday Season

SMB Solutions

Seventy-one percent of U.S. adults said they planned to do more than half of their holiday shopping digitally this year, and those shoppers are open to buying from new retailers, especially local small businesses.

Uber’s Vote2020 discounts and Free food offers

As part of their #Vote2020 efforts, Uber is offering 50% discounts for rides to and from polling stations. They have also launched their “Pizza To The Poll’s” initiative to offer free food for those waiting in line. Visit Uber Online for complete details How Uber is supporting #Vote2020– Uber Eats […]

Essentials for Endpoint Security

Endpoint Secuirty

An endpoint security solution that simply detects threats isn’t enough in a fast-paced, 24/7 economy. To be truly effective, today’s security platforms must also be designed for modern business needs. That means accommodating the move toward cloud-based and mobile accessibility, so that threat detection goes hand in hand with immediate […]

Common Tech mistakes made by Business Owners

Some of the biggest mistakes small businesses can make are in regards to technology. By either failing to stay with the times or improperly applying new technology, a business can be set back far behind the competition. However, there are consultants that can help you avoid these common tech mistakes […]